Thursday, 23 February 2017

From the bench - Market

I know what your saying. Our farmers have been doing it tough for a long time. I couldn't agree more. So we need to ask ourselves why?. Lets take produce as an example. Why have the large supermarket chains set specs and standards that make it so tough for our farmers to achieve. Traditionally farms are families. By that I mean generations run the land. The farmers managed to grow and supply the marketplace with fresh fruit and veg for in excess of 200 years.

The big supermarket chains. Dictate to the farmers what they will pay and to what standard the produce must be. Now the farmers can so no, noway. But that doesn't work. They will be forced to destroy the produce they can't see. In the past on every 'high st' strip shops was 1 maybe 2 green grocers. They still exist today but they are few and far between. While the big supermarkets set this standard, to which the farmers can and do meet its the low price they get for the produce.

There was nothing wrong with the quality and choice of the produce that does not meet the big chains spec/standard. This is the product the few and far between green growers get. Don't be swayed by the multi million $ marketing about freshest fruit and veg and best quality. The key word there was marketing.

I know its very convenient when you going your weekly shop to grab fruit and veg while your there.

Can I suggest shop local, buy local and where it is not inconvenient give you local green grocer a go. They too have the freshest produce. They too have high quality product.

Friday, 3 February 2017

From the bench - Service Industry.

Seems to me that Australia has moved to a service industry. With the bulk of manufacturing going offshore. More and more family business' are falling to the way-side.

Can we maintain, survive on service providers only?
We can try to minimise the loss of a lot of service providers. There are many many opportunities to be competitive right here in our own back yard.

In a lot of cases the owner operator doesn't have money or resources to spend on the business. But sometimes throwing money at it is not the answer.

Ask yourself how many times you have gone to a mechanic or panel beater. There are a few workers walking around doing what they do. But its up to you to find someone, interrupt them or get their attention to ask for help. I have been known to find myself 1/2 way through a workshop, before I found someone to help me. 1/2 way into an unfamiliar workshop un-aware of any safety rules etc:. I can't be the only person that has come across this. I know others have too.

What about the small reception or admin office. You step into it, its dirty (why wouldn't it be is tacked onto the workshop with a rollerdoor open in all weather), its cluttered, messy and unorganised with a chair or two covered in dust.

How can a customer feel valued and respected if you can't show pride in your workplace.
Additionally there may be a security risk to your employees. All employers have a duty of care with regard to safety and security of their employees.

There are so many things we can do in our workplaces that do not need to cost a fortune.